2024 Edition
Thursday, Octoberr 17th, 2024 - 5 PM
At the Ranch
Carstairs, Alberta

Focus on Udder Quality,
Sound Structure,
Easy Fleshing Ability
Focus on Soft Middled,
Heavy Haired and
Quality Genetics
Females & Embryos
on offer every fall at
select consignment sales
Annually we sell 90 Simmental & SimAngus Bulls
on the Third Friday of February at the Ranch

Mader Ranches is a family run Purebred Simmental & SimAngus cattle operation, located only 10 minutes west of Carstairs, Alberta, Canada.
Ryley and Jill and their children Stella & Hawkin, work together with Randy and Ronda to run the daily operations and business. Randy and Ronda have been in the cattle industry for 47 years.
Our focus is on raising functional cattle with easy fleshing ability and natural muscle expression. We are always sourcing for herd improvement through new genetics and a hard culling system. We have an extensive AI and embryo program that we utilize to create uniformity and quality.
We sell females, embryos, and semen privately off the farm and in fall consignment sales. Our bulls are held until late February for our annual Bull Power Sale selling approximately 90 bulls and a handful of select females.
We use the show ring as a marketing tool and participate in the major shows in Canada - Canadian Western Agribition, Edmonton International Farmfair and Olds Fall Classic.

Ryley & Jill
Stella & Hawkin Mader
Office Phone:
Ryley's Cell:

Randy & Ronda Mader
Office Phone:
Randy's Cell: